Spring Vegetable Garden – Hamilton Community Garden at Mohawk College


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As the actual spring weather seems to finally be on the way, it’s time to start thinking about our spring vegetable garden. I have been going through a few photos from a couple years ago when we had a community garden at Mohawk College in Hamilton, and remembering what a great experience it was for the kids to learn about growing their own food.

Growing your own food from a simple vegetable garden is such a simple way to teach kids about where their food really comes from and what is involved with producing what they eat (even if they don’t always eat their vegetables).

At the Mohawk College Community Garden, gardeners supply the plants and the labour, and the college supplies water (rain water collected from the roof), tools and the garden plots.

This series of photos is from a day in June when we visited to pull weeds and water our community garden plots.

Brother and sister help out watering vegetable garden in community garden

Brother and sister help out watering vegetable garden in community garden

Brother and sister help out watering vegetable garden in community garden

Brother and sister help out watering vegetable garden in community garden

Girl uses watering can to water and care for growing vegetables in family garden plot

Girl uses watering can to water and care for growing vegetables in family garden plot

Girl uses watering can to water and care for growing vegetables in family garden plot

Girl uses watering can to water and care for growing vegetables in family garden plot

Girl uses watering can to water and care for growing vegetables in family garden plot

Girl uses watering can to water and care for growing vegetables in family garden plot

Young vegetable plant brand new stands tall alone in famliy garden plot

Young vegetable plant brand new stands tall alone in family garden plot

Scarecrows stand watch over sun-drenched family vegetable community garden

Scarecrows stand watch over sun-drenched family vegetable community garden

Springtime young vegetables growing in sunshine and healthy soil

Springtime young vegetables growing in sunshine and healthy soil


All images from this session are available for royalty free licensing at Stocksy United. 



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JP Danko


JP Danko is an active lifestyle photographer based in Toronto, Canada. JP can change a lens mid-rappel, swap a memory card while treading water, or use a camel as a light stand.


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